Design Ideas

Check out how your dream home can look like. Get inspiration from Livspace’s vast design catalog spanning across modular kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, modular wardrobes and more

Minimalism: Minimalism is a popular design trend that emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and a clean aesthetic. To achieve this look, use a neutral color palette, clean lines, and incorporate furniture and decor that serve a purpose.

Bohemian: The bohemian style is eclectic and free-spirited. Use a mix of colors, patterns, and textures to create a layered look. Incorporate vintage furniture, tapestries, and plants to create a cozy, laid-back vibe.

Industrial: Industrial style is inspired by urban spaces like factories and warehouses. Use raw materials like metal, concrete, and exposed brick to achieve this look. Incorporate vintage industrial lighting, rustic wood furniture, and oversized art to create an edgy, urban feel.

Scandinavian: Scandinavian design is known for its simplicity, functionality, and focus on natural materials. Use a neutral color palette, light wood furniture, and cozy textiles like wool and fur to create a warm and inviting space.

Modern: Modern design is characterized by clean lines, minimalism, and a focus on technology. Use neutral colors, sleek furniture, and modern art to create a space that feels cutting-edge.

Coastal: Coastal design is inspired by the ocean and beach. Use a mix of blues and whites, natural materials like rattan and jute, and incorporate nautical decor like anchors and shells to create a relaxing and serene space.

Rustic: Rustic design is inspired by nature and the outdoors. Use natural materials like wood and stone, warm colors, and incorporate rustic decor like antlers and woven baskets to create a cozy, cabin-like feel.

Remember that there are no rules when it comes to interior design, so have fun experimenting with different styles and creating a space that feels uniquely you.

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